Weather and seasons activities and teaching power point for year 1.
This product is suitable for children aged 5-6 years old who are learning about the weather and seasons.
This product includes a child friendly 16 slide Power Point for you to use as a teaching tool. You could watch the whole thing, or just use sections, stopping to complete the printable activities. 22 activities plus display pictures and extra activities for early finishers.
Topics covered in the PPT:
Types of weather
Weather forecasting
Severe weather conditions
The Sun
Sun Safety
Shade and shade structures
The 4 seasons.Each of these subjects have print and go worksheets for you to use alongside.
Some activities have 2 options for differentiation.
Print and Go Activities:
Make a weather wheel template
26 word cards for display or use in the classroom
Label the weather - x 2 differentiated
Keeping safe in the sun - x 2 differentiated
Draw the weather - x 2 differentiated
What clothes should I wear - cut and stick activity
Yearly weather report
Monthly weather report
Weather for month recording sheet
Weekly weather recording sheet
Daily weather recording sheet x 2 differentiated
4 seasons activity sheet
Draw a spring scene
Draw a summer scene
Draw an autumn scene
Draw a winter scene
Draw the seasons
Order months of the year
Seasons picture match
Find a tree x 2 differentiated
Months of the year poster
Seasonal pictures for sorting
real life pictures of weather and seasonsPLUS 4 activities for early finishers:
Day and night cut and stick sorting activity
Hot and cold cut and stick sorting activity
Colour and count activity
Colouring page
Weather and Seasons Year 1
Zip file